(Oct 2024 - Present)
Senior Software Developer
Wingie Enuygun Group
constcoder={name:'Marwane Tchassama',skills:['Go', 'PHP', 'Python', 'Kubernets', 'Nginx', 'MySql', 'MongoDB', 'Docker', 'hardWorker:true,quickLearner:true,problemSolver:true,hireable:function() {return(this.hardWorker&&this.problemSolver&&this.skills.length>=5);};};
Who I am?
My name is MARWANE TCHASSAMA. I am from Togo, a country from West Africa and I'm living in Turkey for more than thirteen years. I have interests in software development, web programming, data processing, machine learning, and similar areas. I am a problem solver who loves creativity, develops in different fields and opens to learning new things. During the last years I've been working more as a PHP backend developer. I mostly use programming language ssuch as PHP using Symfony framework, Golang and Python.
(Oct 2024 - Present)
Senior Software Developer
Wingie Enuygun Group
(Sep 2022 - Present)
Software Developer II
Wingie Enuygun Group
(Sep 2021 - Sep 2022)
Software Developer I
Wingie Enuygun Group
(Sep 2020 - Sep 2021)
Junior Software Developer
Wingie Enuygun Group
(Jul 2019 - Aug 2019)
Internship in SDataM
Transition Of The Core Project To Golang
constproject={name:'Transition Of The Core Project To Golang',tools: ['Golang', 'Php', 'MongoDB', 'MySQL', 'RabbitMq', 'Memcached', 'Docker', 'Kubernets', 'OpenAI API],myRole:Backend Developer,Description: Together with my team, we rewrote our company's core project, originally developed in PHP using the Symfony framework, from scratch and migrated it to Golang as a microservice.,};
Gds && Provider API Integration
constproject={name:'Gds && Provider API Integration',tools: ['Php', 'Golang', 'Python', 'MongoDB', 'MySQL],myRole:Backend Developer,Description: Since our company is mostly related to airlines, we are responsible for integrating APIs of airlines. I integrated APIs from airlines, charters, and GDSs. Specifically, I have successfully integrated Turkish Airlines old and new NDC API, Airays, FlyOne, Flyadeal, Amadeus GDS, and Galileo GDS.,};
Payment Management System
constproject={name:'Payment Management System',tools: ['Java', 'Spring Boot', 'MySQL', 'MongoDB],myRole:Software Developer,Description: The project s primary objective is to meticulously track and manage payments, ensuring accurate financial transactions across various platforms. It is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of payment flows, facilitating the identification and resolution of discrepancies in a timely manner. This system plays a crucial role in optimizing financial operations and enhancing accountability within the organization.,};
Base Station Selection with Q-Learning Algorithm
constproject={name:'Base Station Selection with Q-Learning Algorithm',tools: ['OMNeT++', 'SimuLTE', 'Python', 'C++', 'Machine Learning', 'Artificial intelligence],myRole:Software Developer,Description: The project s objective is to enhance the selection process of base stations using an artificial intelligence algorithm in 5G Networks, aiming for increased efficiency. This AI-driven approach evaluates various performance metrics to identify the optimal base station for deployment.,};
2016 - 2020
Bachelor Degree
Ondokuz Mayıs University
2012 - 2016
Secondary School Certificate
Konya - Turkey
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